domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2011

The Use of Second Life in ESL/EFL Teaching and Learning.

Second Life (SL) is an online virtual world in three dimensions imagined and created by its users.  An avatar is a SL user’s 3D graphic representation through which the SL user interacts with other people in SL or with users from across the world, including, educators, artists, business men, etc.

Second Life is a good social platform that offers its user:

  • Shared experiences.
  •  Language exchange.
  •  A feeling of presence.
  •  Visual component.
  • Visual and social cues.
  • Closer to face to face conversations
  •  Real time collaboration.
  • Immersion. 
  • Engagement.

Second Life allows you to travel through an entirely imaginary world with buildings, people, cafes, streets, mountains, etc. Second Life is mainly adopted for academic, social and business purposes and many educational institutions have begun to explore Second Life as a platform for education, standing out the ESL/EFT Instruction.

Many different languages are spoken in SL and there’re also places where these languages are taught.  Second Life has also created a new space for virtual classrooms that act very much like 'real-life' classrooms. Students attend presentations, teachers help students to communicate, etc.

Second Life provides a large number of rich environments for learning and instruction. In terms of language learning, SL can provide a friendly, appealing, and contextually relevant space for native speakers of a target language to interact with language learners. This allows the language learners opportunities to interact with native speakers in realistic, authentic, and relevant settings such as offices, shops, athletic events, business meetings, and classrooms. 

In SL, learners communicate through text messages, audio conversations, and their avatar’s non-verbal gestures. 

There is a large number of companies, organisations or sites in Second Life that are teaching ESL, for example we find “The English Village”, “British Council Isle” “Ciudad Bonita” etc. All these locations are schools for learning and teaching a foreign language, and we can interact with students and teachers from different countries.

We can learn a foreign language in Second Life through these activities: 

  •  Interpreting a Role playing.
  •  Being in a tour of any country and by this way we can know more about its culture.
  • Practicing the target language skills and learning vocabulary by our own.
  • Reflecting on the lived experiences during the course and sharing ideas with everyone.
  •  Conversations lessons. 
  •  Discussions groups.
  • Drama/theatre.
  • Learning vocabulary trough the other branches of Knowledge like medicine, architecture, chemistry, etc.    
  • Writing blogs.
  • And we can use SL in other too many different ways in order to practice and learn the target language.
In general, Second Life is an efficient tool that we can use in ESL/EFL teaching and learning because it offers a big amount of opportunities to exchange language skills with different people around the world in an interactive and rich environment.

My personal Experience:

I am a Second Life user. I registered a few days ago and I can tell for my experience that Second Life is a tool from which, we as students and futures teachers, can take advantages from it, and use them in order to have a better development in our language skills and our classroom.

A few days ago, I had the chance to interact with a person from Virginia, USA. We had a nice conversation and he told me about his life and what he’s doing. Also we talk about our countries and he told me a little bit about the American History.

I can tell for that, that SL is also an excellent instrument to Know more about the culture of any country, no matter if it is far or near from us, Second Life give us the chance to get to places that we could never imagine to be. I recommend all my classmates and friends to integrate Second Life into their lives because there is not limit to create whatever we want or to learn about a lot of things and it’s a very fun way to do it.


domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

Tweeting in an ESL/EFL classroom

        This is an article that I found on the Web and it was written by Daniel O'Connell and I could say that it’s very interesting because is about the influence of the social networks in the ESL/EFL teaching and learning of today. Among these social networks we find Facebook and Twitter; the last one is the latest phenomenon in the technological age.


Although some people don’t agree with these applications we cannot deny that they have a tremendous impact in our society and they are more than just gadgets or distractions.

This tool allows users to write messages and share opinions in no less than 140 characters. 

The author suggests teachers using Twitter to encourage a meaningful English Language Communication. He tells us how a teacher can develop classes based around Twitter and mobile technology.

Some ideas and suggestions are shown here in relation to how to use Twitter as an educational tool for a wide range of dynamic activities in a ESL/EFL classroom environment. 

With Twitter, we can work with the communication skills. This tool offers new and exciting ways to open up the lines of communication in the classroom. These ways are:

Direct Tweet: Professors and students can contact each other through direct Tweets; Get to Know your classmates; Collaborate on projects; make announcements; Brainstorm; Take a poll; Share interesting websites; Daily learning and; Ambient Awareness.

With Twitter we can also find useful information for class to practicing a foreign language. 

These are some of the many ways in which teachers can connect with modern day students and create an easily accepted classroom learning environment.  

If you want to know more about this topic you can click on:

Virtual and Artificial, but 58,000 Want Course

This article was posted on the web site “The New York Times” by John Markoff, on August 15, 2011. And it’s about a free online course about Artificial Intelligence that the Stanford University, specifically the Stanford Computer Science Department is offering. The purpose they have is to extend technology knowledge and skills to the entire world. This course will be taught by two experts from Silicon Valley: Peter Norvig and Sebastian Thrun.

This course has attracted until now, more than 58.000 students around the globe and has attracted interest from more than 175 countries.   The online students will not be accredited by the Stanford University.
The teachers, from left, Peter Norvig and Sebastian Thrun.

 For the Artificial Courses, students will need to have some knowledge to take it but there are no restrictions to online participation. The age range is from High School to retirees.

In this article we can also know more about the works made by the instructors named before. They talk about the uncertainly that they feel with the audience attracted by this course. They also tell us about how this project originated. They exposed that their inspiration was the work of Salman Khan, a professor who provided video tutorials in 2006 to students around the world on a variety of subjects via You Tube. Also the programming of the course is explained here.

They will use a special system running to evaluate the number of participants. It’s important too, to emphasize that there has been some discussion about the fees for the instruction but it seems that the experts are “more interested in bringing Stanford to the world”. These are words of Dr. Thrun.

In my opinion, the article or news is a clear example of how people, teachers and students are using technology in the educational field. 

 If you want to read more about this news you can click on: